NSLS continues its strong ties within the community in an effort to collaborate with various agencies and ensure that low income Long Is-landers receive the services they so desperately need. If you happen to see any of our NSLS staff at a community event, please stop by to introduce yourself and say hello. We’d love to meet you, and as always we thank you for your support!
Erika VerrillOn January 28, 2020, Erika Verrill, Staff Attorney in the Adult Home Rights Project attended the Resident Council Meeting held and gave a training to the residents of Amber Court of Westbury. Verrill explained the legal rights of adult home residents and distributed the Adult Home Rights booklet. VerRill also stayed on site to provide individual consultations with residents.
Ray DeLeoOn January 23, 2020, Ray DeLeo, Staff Attorney in the Re-Entry Project, held a RAP Sheet clinic for Nassau Family and Children’s Association staff and clients in NSLS Hempstead Office.Ray reviewed the areas of law our Re-Entry Project can assist with. He also discussed Correction Law 23A, the sex offender registration act modification and relief proceedings, and child support. In addition, clients were able to be fingerprinted and request their NYS RAP sheet for review.
Carly SommersOn January 23, 2020 Carly Sommers, Staff At-torney in our Re-Entry Project spoke with new parolees about post-conviction relief, certificates of good conduct and employment discrimination. She advised parolees to complete programs and to make sure they stay in touch with their parole officer. She also encouraged them to contact her with any questions.
NSLS Co-sponsors Youth Homelessness Roundtable
On January 16, 2020, state lawmakers met with local advocates to discuss how Long Is-land’s affordable housing and homelessness crisis impact children, youth and their families. The round table was organized by New York State Senator Velmanette Montgomery, the chair of the New York State Senate Committee on Children and Families, and Nassau Suffolk Law Services. Sheila A. Johnson, J.D., NSLS Director of Development and Government Affairs was the lead community organizer for the event.The participants, including representatives from 27 not-for-profit organizations, shared their perspectives on these crises. They talked about the need for expanded access to affordable housing, and how unstable housing jeopardizes young people’s access to education and mental health services. It also impacts their ability to work. Other groups impacted by these crises are seniors, veterans and people with disabilities.Mike Wigutow, Esq. and Eva Jimenez, L.W.S.W., represented NSLS on the panel. Special thanks to Jake Ivry and Jeffrey Kim-mel, Esq., Advisory Council members for their support of the event. We also thank community volunteers Marvin Smith and Jackie Bur-bridge for staffing the event, and the staff of Farmingdale State College for their hospitality and assistance executing the event.
All of our offices are now open to the public and accepting walk-ins. |