The first day you are late on your federal student loan payment, it is considered delinquent. If you are delinquent for 90 consecutive days or more, you risk going into default. If you are currently in default on your federal student loans, you can use the Fresh Start Program to get out of default. Fresh Start is a one-time temporary program from the U.S. Department of Education (ED) that offers special benefits for borrowers with defaulted federal student loans. Fresh Start automatically gives you some benefits, such as restoring access to federal student aid (loans and grants). But you need to act to claim the full benefits of Fresh Start and get out of default. To use Fresh Start to get out of default, you must contact your loan holder. For more information, please
Nassau Suffolk Law Services is a member of the EDCAP (Education Debt Consumer Assistance Program) Network. EDCAP members help New Yorkers navigate the student loan system regardless of the type of education debt, federal or private. We offer free, one-on-one counseling and can also assist when a defendant is being sued on a higher education debt matter. Long Island residents please contact Nassau Suffolk Law Services at (516) 292-8100.